About Me

Hey!  My name is Chase, thanks for checking out FIGHT FOR THE BROKEN.  The idea behind this blog serves a dual purpose.  It lets my family back home see what I am up to and it raises awareness for various organizations in a much more meat-headed and fun way than usual.  Each week I will post reviews over things such as: My latest workouts, Challenges I have attempted (whether it be events or Guinness Book Records), Hero recognition, and my latest fight.  Most of my pictures will be taken by my AWESOME and BEAUTIFUL wife Airin Owen.  The reason why this blog is titled FIGHT FOR THE BROKEN is because through each event I compete in I will be doing different things to help raise awareness for these organizations.  All of my fight winnings or any other money that could be earned will go straight to these organizations as well.  I can't say this is a ground breaking and mind blowing way to raise awareness.  But this is at least something I can do in addition to what God has handed me here in my day to day life.  These organizations work for those that really are broken or hurting. Their mission is to do things like free child soldiers, sex slaves, and feed orphans.  Most of these sites allow you to make either one time donations or monthly ones(because honestly what is like $20 a month to us?  You can't even pay for a dinner for 2 at that price).  So if you are interested in donating to any of these organizations please check out the Favorite Organizations page on this blog to learn more about them.  Thanks for stopping by.

"But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed on me was not in vain.  but I labored more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me." 
  1 Cor 15:10

Chase "Caveman" Owen


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Fight For the Broken © 2010 | Designed by Trucks, in collaboration with MW3, Broadway Tickets, and Distubed Tour