Challenge for the month:The Tire Challenge

This is by far my most favorite challenge/workout to do.  I will admit I am a little biased due to the fact that it was created by myself and 2 of my really good friends.  About 4 years ago while working in the tire shop on MCAS Futemna, I was bored and trying to come up with new ideas for a workout.  I had seen in the past people do tractor tire flips, and all kinds of other just really brute strength based workouts.  So starting with a used C130 tire, we (Jason Gipper, John Underwood, and myself) started collaborating.  Then the tire challenge was born!(sounds so epic I  Taking a 275lbs tire we would flip it around a 132 meter course racing the clock dong the following exercises along the way: 30push-ups, 20sprawls, 20pull-ups, 40hammer swings, 50crunches, and finishing it off with picking up and slamming an 80lbs tire to the ground 10 times. 

Gipper hammering down on one of our tires.

Whats friendship without a little trash talk

We did this thing weekly, sometimes even daily and as we did the crowd of curious bystanders grew.  Before long we had people lined up wanting a piece of this insane challenge.  So we had to up the challenge for ourselves and started doing it with gas masks on. 

Try this with the Okinawan heat and humidity in August!

 The idea worked as there were only 5 of us who could complete it with a gas mask on.  But I must say I don't think anyone is man enough to top Wes who used to do it while chain smoking smoking cigarettes.haha

The results we saw out of this workout were amazing!  When you finished your back, bi's, legs, core, EVERYTHING was hurting.  Now that I am back in Okinawa I will be doing this thing constantly.  So if you are on Futemna and want a good challenge to try come by the MALS 36 Hydraulic shop and hit me up.  Or if you are back in the states and have access to a REALLY heavy tire give this thing a try.  You wont be disappointed.


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