Favorite Organizations

Listed below are a few of the organizations that we have either had the privilege of working with or that we support.  So take a look at some of them and feel free to click on the links to their websites.

International Justice Mission

This organization specializes in stopping human trafficking and slavery.  They are working constantly in breaking up sex trades and child slavery and they are doing an awesome job of it.  They constantly updating their blog website with news and recent break throughs.

Invisible Children

Invisible Children was started by a handful of college students who went on a trip to Uganda to do a documentary on the civil war there.  The rebels kidnap children from the surrounding villages and brain wash them, forcing them to fight in this war for them or die.  Shortly afterward the college students started the organization Invisible Children.  Working to free these children and relocate them to where they can live a much better life sleeping and eating in homes and going to school. This an AWESOME organization making a HUGE impact so check them out.

Cadence International

This is an organization that sends missionaries out to start churches and minister to the military around the world, reaching them in countries where Christianity is rare.  You can go to their website a pick one of the missionaries to personally donate to.  The church we attend in Okinawa is a part of this organization and they do an amazing job.

Imjai House

Here is an orphanage in Chiang Mai Thailand.  This place is awesome, they take children in from all over and give them an amazing life with some seriously good education (probably better than most American schools).  Our church goes there every year to do a Vacation Bible School with the kids and it really was one of the best experiences of my life.  I strongly encourage you to check these guys out and sponsor one of these orphans.

Compassion International

 Compassion International is a Christian child advocacy ministry that releases children from spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty and enables them to become responsible, fulfilled Christian adults.  If you would like to sponsor a child check these guys out.

Faithful Heart Ministry

Started by a couple from South Carolina, this ministry is dedicated to raising funds and providing management/oversight for several small orphan homes.  These guys rely on what little money they have and whatever their sponsors will donate to these children resources are limited so whatever help is appreciated.


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