Grapplers Ediquette

     For anyone who grapples, you all know the frustration of grappling with the "newbie" or MCMAP guru that doesn't understand basic grappling courtesies.  I have rolled with way to many people who break these simple but VERY important rules.  Who would have though something as simple as bathing before coming to class would be such a hard concept for some.  So I have devised this list of common courtesies or rules if you will for the inexperienced and inconsiderate grapplers.  Sadly I have seen or experienced each of these and some even on multiple occasions.  I pray that this will somehow make its rounds and even becomes a brief for young military members that aspire to be grapplers.  So please read below and adhere to these listed.  If you have more please let me know, I would love to add to this and make it easier for all of us.  thank you

1)Just Tap
    None of us are unstoppable, so that means that eventually and even often you will lose.  So please TAP OUT when you are caught.  Don't be the guy who wants to hear his arm pop before he gives.

   Kind of like the guy who never taps no one likes the proud guy.  He doesn't tap either, when he gets a hold he doesn't let go, and when beaten he throws a temper tantrum.  We aren't 6......please don't act like it.  You will get beaten and it will probably be by a skinny unassuming guy.

   Don't walk into a class and brag about how awesome you are and how you can take anyone.  If you do this don't expect any leniency, where as if you came in humble and said I don't know anything people would have been nice to you.  Once people have figured out you lied they will only torment you more.

   Who would have though something so simple would be so foreign to people.  If you have had a long day at work please don't come to  class smelling like it.  Even if you cant smell it trust me your feet and butt do stink.  Somewhere in the night I will probably be close to both of them, so please bathe.

5)Clean Clothes
   Along with bathing clean clothes are important.  After bathing please put on NEW clean underwear, yes we will be able to tell....and that's gross. :(

   If you just ate something with garlic or haven't brushed your teeth in a day you probably should freshen up.  No one wants to smell your breath after that.

   PLEASE trim them.  Even as I write this to you I have a 6 inch scratch across the back of my neck from 2 days ago.  No one likes walking around looking like they got into a cat fight.

8)Skin 'Problems'
   If you have skin 'problems' better known as ring worm, staph, MRSA, athletes foot, or anything else gross.  Please don't come to class with that.  I have caught all of the above because people decided it was ok to use the mats at the gym with their skin 'problem' and I came in behind them and used it.  Its serioulsy NOT cool.

9)Slamming or Suplexing
   Where as it may look cool in a movie or an MMA match even, it is not cool in class. I am your friend I do not want to be paralyzed because you REALLY didn't want to get caught in that arm bar.
10)Fish Hooking
    As insanely dumb and wrong as this sounds I have seen it.  Please do not stick your finger in my mouth or nose to maneuver my head around.  Not only will I attempt to bite your finger off but this is just unsanitary and unsportsman like.

11)'Softening Blows'
   Someone thought it would be cute to teach this in the MCMAP program for Marines.  Where as it may be ok in MCMAP its not ok in Jujitsu!  No one wants an accidental elbow to the groin or an intentional one to the inner thigh.  Please just no striking at all....

12)Pressure Points
     To go along with the previous 2 please don't try out any cool pressure points you saw in a kung fu movie once.  I don't want your fingers dug into my jaw or armpit.  Lets just stick to basic Jujitsu and not make my Lymphoids swell.

    Where are beards are cool, but if you plan on using it as a weapon then shame on you.  I have seen guys who will actually use their 5 o'clock shadow as a weapon to scratch up and irritate their opponents face.....not cool.

14)Flailing About
     No one likes to get an accidental slap in the face...or other parts of their body. If you don't know what to do don't make up for it by flailing around like a tornado of slaps and eye gouges.

15)Leg Locks
     If you are a beginner or are really forceful with submissions, please spare everyone the chance of a broken leg and don't do leg locks.

16)Forcing Moves
     To go along with the leg locks, please do not force a submission. If the guy doesn't want to tap or you don't have it in good enough, don't make up for it with brute strength. Its better to lose than to rip a guys arm out of socket.

     We aren't in a death match and you don't hate me.  So please don't grind your elbow into the back of my neck or spine or face or anything else for that matter.  No one wants to grapple you if you are going to do that.
     Fingers + Eyes = why do you hate me?  When grappling please do not push my face away with open fingers in my eyes, or stop the takedown with them.  It hurts...

19)Eye Contact
    This isn't a romantic date, and I am not going to call you afterward. So please save the awkward prolonged eye contact for someone else, we don't need to have a 'moment'.

    No its not just babies that do it, and yes I have seen it.  If you are tired and feel like you are going to vomit please excuse yourself and walk away.  I don't want your drool.

21)Tap Out Shirts
    If you are wearing one you might get picked on.....just sayin.


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