Just for fun: Moustache Mayhem

Everyone in the military has heard about it.  When people deploy someone is bound to do a Moustache Mayhem, Moustache Madness, whatever you want to call it.  Sadly I have been bribed into one......it wasn't easy to agree to but I did.  I cannot stand the idea of having a moustache!  I just feel like I am going to look like an IDIOT....or a creep.
kip from Napoleon Dynamite
But darn my wife and her convincing ways.  For anyone who has had the pleasure of eating at my house or trying Airin's cooking you know what I mean.  Any of us would be willing to wrestle a rabid grizzly bear or swim through a tank full of ill tempered giant squid with lazers attached to each arm for a taste of this fine cuisine.  Especially if it was her thanksgiving spread.  So my wife knowing my weakness told me that the winner of this ugly moustache competition would get a bag of baked goods specially mailed from her.  Yes I know that being married to her I will obviously get stuff sent anyway, but if I can score additional treats then I will rock the stache proudly!

This man is one of the few people with an iconic moustache

       So I have rounded up a few volunteers and the competion has officially started as of December 26th.  There is no official time limit yet but it will probably be a month.  Now we will probably not look as cool as Don Frye (pictured above)  and some of us will more than likely look like a Yeti with a skin disorder.  but we are going to try...... So here it goes!

Paddy Doyle Challenge Results- Part 1

As stated in my last post I knew that I would probably not come close let alone beat any of this mans insane records.  Not only was I right, I was brutally honest with myself.  I decided to start with the step ups and push ups challenges.  I am not sure what in me thought that these were going to be possible feats.  Maybe it was because in the list of records I read the step ups number looked so much smaller than the squat record (4,708).  Or maybe it was just a mix of insanity and boredom.  Either way this didn't go well.

Yes.....I did consider doing 'girl push ups' towards the end.
  First lets talk about the pushups, I figured hey lets be smart about this and figure up the math.  I totalled up his average push up per minute and it was 29.  I thought hey thats not so bad......  After a few minutes I was thinking other wise.  He did 1,705 push ups in 1hr, I did 760 (man, I need to work on my push ups)  His average per minute was 29, mine was 12.6.  Meaning that he averaged 16.4 more a minute than I did and did 945 more than I did.  Bottom line he did awesome I looked like a sissy.lol

  Next you have the 15 inch step ups with a 40lbs pack.  I will say that I was way more impressive with these atleast.  His record was 1,619 in an hour making his average step up per minute 27.  One every 2 seconds already sounded rough to me so I knew I wasnt going to match this one.  I gave it all I had though and ended up with 1,054 putting my average step per minute at 17.5.  Which is not to bad for someone who has never bothered with this kind of a workout before.  In total he did only 565 (only haha) more than me, and averaged 9.5 more a minute. The odd thing is that my legs feel fine but my lower back is KILLING me. 

So there you have it.  So far Paddy Doyle is obviously in waaaay better shape than I am, and I am dreading the squats and burpies.  For any workout goo-roo's out there that think you can beat the guy be my guest.  Because I honestly dont think you have a shot.  Thanks for reading and dont forget to check out the organizations page on your way out!
His thoughts"Man I am running out of places to put these!"
borrowed from: worldendurancechampion.co.uk

My Paddy Doyle Challenge

First I should probably put the disclaimer out there:  I do not know and in no way have any endorsement from Paddy Doyle to advertize for him.  I just want to say he is a hard core athlete and I wanted to attempt some of his crazy feats.  So with that said please dont sue me Mr. Doyle.

So Angry!
 Image borrowed from worldendurancechampion.co.uk

Ok, So there is no way I can do or even attemp all of his recored because there is somewhere between 150-200 records that he holds.....about 200 more than me.  Some being european records and others being Guinness Book Records.  There are several books, sights, and articles dedicated to his feats of endurance.  The man is insane and is probably the most fit guy in the world.  When I first read these records I thought it was pretty far fetched, but Guinness Book confirmed them and there are plenty of videos to back it.  This man hold records like:

Most push-ups on back of hands in an hour with a 40lbs pack-663
Most burpies in one hour-1,850 (no thats not a typo)
Fastest mile run with 40lbs pack-6:56
Most squats in one hour-4,708 (insane)
13 exercises of the World Marathon Fitness Challenge- 18:56:09 list
Most consecutive martial arts bouts-141
This CAN'T Be good for the joints!
Borrowed from worldendurancechampion.co.uk

Again the man is insanly fit.  I am going to try only 5 of these records and beat none of them I am sure.  But I would like to see how close I can come along with a few more victims.  I plan on adding to the list and trying new ones in the future if I have fun with this but lets just start small for now. I will attempt the following listed with thier original record:

borrowed from http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com

push ups 1hr-1,705
sit ups 1hr with 50lbs plate-1,130
squats in 1hr-4,708
burpies in 1hr-1,850
15in step ups 40lbs pack 1hr-1,619

I will have to space these out and do maybe 1 or 2 a week, because I am coming off of an injury and am a little out of shape, and honestly I will be dead after each one.haha  But this should be fun and atleast a good workout....and who knows, maybe I can beat one.....yea right.  So!  You can expect my next post to be on two of these insane feats, I just pray I dont hurt myself trying this out..... 
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