Just for fun: Moustache Mayhem

Everyone in the military has heard about it.  When people deploy someone is bound to do a Moustache Mayhem, Moustache Madness, whatever you want to call it.  Sadly I have been bribed into one......it wasn't easy to agree to but I did.  I cannot stand the idea of having a moustache!  I just feel like I am going to look like an IDIOT....or a creep.
kip from Napoleon Dynamite
But darn my wife and her convincing ways.  For anyone who has had the pleasure of eating at my house or trying Airin's cooking you know what I mean.  Any of us would be willing to wrestle a rabid grizzly bear or swim through a tank full of ill tempered giant squid with lazers attached to each arm for a taste of this fine cuisine.  Especially if it was her thanksgiving spread.  So my wife knowing my weakness told me that the winner of this ugly moustache competition would get a bag of baked goods specially mailed from her.  Yes I know that being married to her I will obviously get stuff sent anyway, but if I can score additional treats then I will rock the stache proudly!

This man is one of the few people with an iconic moustache

       So I have rounded up a few volunteers and the competion has officially started as of December 26th.  There is no official time limit yet but it will probably be a month.  Now we will probably not look as cool as Don Frye (pictured above)  and some of us will more than likely look like a Yeti with a skin disorder.  but we are going to try...... So here it goes!


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