Hero's Hall Of Fame #3

#3 David & Shirley Callahan (Faithful Heart Foundation)

For the life of me I couldn't find their
picture  so we will just use their logo...
Here is a couple that knows what it means to let everything of this world go for Gods glory.  David and Shirley were retired in South Carolina and set up to live the "American dream".  They had a check coming to them, house, car, and no reason to have to work again or really worry about anything.  But they knew that wasn't what God wanted them to do.  So what did they do?  Get a bigger house on the beach?  Get a dog?  Or maybe join a country club and relax the rest of their lives?.......no, no, and NO!  Instead they sold and gave away EVERYTHING they had and moved to Thailand to open an orphanage.  They are now independent missionaries funded by their local church and a few people who just want to help.  Talk about a HUGE leap of faith!  I can't imagine what that took, thinking about it kinda freaks me out......  But they knew that was where God wanted them and because of that they trusted Him to take care of all of the unknowns.  Now they have grown to multiple houses or branches if you will for these kids.  This is inspiring for me in a big way.  I feel so lame when I think about what I wonder and sometimes wimp out on.  "Well God, times are tight right now so can I just cover the tithes on the next pay check?"  or "Hey God I know this kinda doesn't feel like what you want me to be doing right now, and I should probably drive myself and my wife on over to the Harbor for church.  But I am REALLY tired so maybe I can just go twice next week?"  or when I go "Yea God I know this guy at work just brought up some stuff and I could probably help him, and witness to him or at least take him to church.  But what If he says no, and thinks I am a weird Christian???" 
Here is our missions group visiting one of the hill tribes.  (I am the guy in the
 bottom with the dog and a kid playing with my beard.lol)

     I had the awesome opportunity to go with my church back in 2009 to visit this orphanage along with the Im Jai House, and go to the hill tribe as well which is another focus of their ministry at Faithful Heart Foundation.  It was crazy seeing how much they were doing for these kids!  They were teaching them more than the average American kid would learn.  Not only being educated but they were being taught a lot of great agricultural skills as well.  Like how to grow rice, and mushrooms, also how to raise chickens and other animals.  It was an amazing experience and to be honest if I wasn't with this amazing woman who is now my wife I might have just thrown away my passport and stayed there.  My pastor who was there might have advised against me going UA from the Marines though.haha  Attached below is the link to the blog they wrote about our awesome visit, check it out.

      These people would never claim the title hero and obviously that just shows where their hearts are.  But I will call them hero's and I know to every single one of those kids they are hero's.  So check them out on my organizations page if you get the chance, they are pretty awesome.  If you feel led to, donate.  What is $20 a month to us anyway?  But in Thailand that is quite a bit of money. Thanks for reading and God Bless.
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:  to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.


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