Guinness World Record Attempt: Fastest Time To Eat A Raw Onion

borrowed from a vegetarian blog....I don't think there will
be a copy right on this one...

Fastest time to eat a raw a raw onion should have been the indicator for us that this was a bad idea.  But oh no, not us.  We saw a record and like a poor bunch of young dumb guys we thought we could beat it.  I mean come on how hard could this possibly be?  The world record holder was a man from Canada by the name of Peter Czerwinski.  He ate this thing in 42 seconds!  His record can be found here.  But even after reading this I was some how able to sucker a few people into trying this with me.  So I grabbed 2 of my junior Marines and we huddled around a trash can and gave it a shot.  The rules are simple:

Challenge Rules

  • You must use a standard yellow/brown onion - red or salad onions are not allowed.
  • The onion must weigh at least 210g after peeling, topping and tailing. Show yourself weighing it on a standard kitchen scale before your timed attempt.
  • You must sit at a table with the onion in front of you for this challenge.
  • Only when one mouthful has been swallowed may you take the next bite.
  • You may drink cold water at any time during your attempt.
  • The time starts when you pick up the onion, and stops when you show your empty mouth after swallowing the last mouthful of onion.
  • As with all consumption record challenges, we strongly recommend you do not attempt this multiple times in one day
210g is so small though!  That basically means that we would have to eat a .4lbs piece of onion in less that 42 sec.  Got it!.....not.  First off we didn't read the instructions on the size of the onion, so ours were a little bigger, at least that's my excuse...  Second we didn't follow the rules on sitting down and drinking water 

Andrews and Colvin sneaking a taste test...
       So we start out strong Colvin taking the lead (he took his fake tooth out that's cheating) at first the onion isn't so bad.  The outer layers are almost sweet and watery, its when you get deeper in that the onion starts to spice things up.  But that's not the worst part, oh no.  After a few chews the juices start to get your sinuses going.  Pretty soon you are drooling and snotting all over (we looked sooooo cool when this happened).  Then if you are a genius like me you don't eat lunch before hand so the acids start to get your stomach, and soon after you just want to throw up with every bite.  They held strong but I was the wimp who was shooting pieces of onion across the room.  But you cant quit, no sir!  So I picked up my onion pieces swallowed them and we all finished strong.....don't judge me.  Finishing times were with Colvin in the lead at 2:20 Andrews with a 2:32 and myself with an impressive 3:34 (yes last place).  Obviously a video would be way better than pictures.  So in a few days hopefully my awesome wife Airin will have that cut and loaded for all of you to see.  It tells the story way better than I can.haha

as you can see he clearly had an advantage!
     Once the challenge was over we thought we were done with this whole ordeal.  But what we didn't know is that the best was yet to come.  For the rest of the day no matter what you drank or ate you smelt and tasted ONION!  My breath made me want to gag every time I took one.  I felt so sick and miserable all day.  The next day wasn't much better, because when I worked out my sweat absolutely wreaked like onion.  My sweat was so potent the fumes from it actually made my eyes burn!  Moral of the story is..... don't try this at home!  That record might look easy but trust me its not the record you have to worry about. haha


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